Letters and Advice from Current Year 7 Students

A few welcome messages and some advise for new students from our current Year 7 students.
  • My advice to moving up is to have confidence and be yourself! Using confidence, I made so many new and amazing friends and met so many people from all years! I was really excited when I moved up! When I first started high school in September I found it quite nerve-wracking because I didn’t know anyone, it wasn’t until I gave it a go that I met so many girls!

    Coming to Levenshulme High is a GREAT opportunity to make many new friends and improve your confidence in learning. Going to clubs before registration, break time, lunch time and after school also helps you to grow even more confidence. Learning more things for me was so cool – getting interested in things that you never knew about before.

    Always participate in lessons when you can! Try and interact with different people on your table and make new friends. Make sure to be organised and if you have problems get help from classmates, form tutors or Miss James and Miss Kerr.

    Dear New Year 7’s,

    I am writing this letter to tell you guys how Year 7 was for me: Year 7 is a fun year but you still have to work hard but also as you go through it gives you so many opportunities to earn badges and respect which was the best thing for me and when I earned my first “equity” badge I was so proud I felt like I was on top of the world which is the best feeling you could get so a good way to fit in with the community is to earn badges and lots of merits. Year 7 is actually the best year you have in high school it’s a fun year I loved my time in Year 7 and made lots of good memories . let’s talk about dream day the best day which I would wait all week for dream day is a fun day to do only one fun lesson e.g. drama, art, music, and there would be a new theme every week it was all just so much fun. Also , there will be so many parties my favourite one was the Christmas one because that was the day I opened my self-up to the Year 8’s 9’s 10’s and 11’s and actually talked to them and played games which was extremely fun I was really shy but then I became a bit more open I hope that happens to you guys because everyone feels scared the first few days but when you open up it’s the best feeling so its okay to be a bit shy the first few days but then you should start talking and stuff so this was my story and I am exited to hear yours next year I hope you have an amazing time in Year 7 and enjoy yourself.

    Kind regards, Mifrah

    My advice would be not to sweat it! Taking the time to breathe before high school starts is a great way to start your next journey. One mistake I made was not sleeping the whole night due to excitement and that led me to being really tired and unorganised on the first day of school. Take some time for yourself – it’s always necessary.

    Hello future year 7s! I hope you guys are excited to be in year 7. My advice would be to work hard but also take care and take some rest as you go.

    Levenshulme may seem like a massive school and extremely hard work at first, but you will learn to love it and the people around you.

    Dear Year 6,

    I hope you are excited to be a part of Levenshulme; it is great!

    At first, I thought I would only be able to hang out with my sister but I ended up with a huge amount of friends! Even my sister’s friends were supporting me. I started to feel more involved in stuff and more confident as the days went.

    There are a lot of after school clubs, lunch clubs and competitions that you can join! I go to boxing, the library, football and sometimes I just stay after school to walk around and find different places so I know where to go.

    I’m sure all of you will be fine! Year 7 goes really fast so do what you need to. I know this is a weird way to end Year 6 but it is a nearly normal start to Year 7! I hope you enjoy and make friends in maybe all years! Good Luck!


    If you don’t know that many people and are shy, don’t worry! You will soon make new friends in the classroom. Also, as a Music Leader, it would be great if you came to some of the lunch and break time activities in the music room.

    Try and join clubs or talk to people near you. If you have any problems you can talk to any member of staff or the pastoral team 🙂

    Don’t worry if you get lost, the teachers can always help you.

    Greetings fellow Year 6 students,

    I would like to welcome you to Levenshulme High School on your transition day (even though we are stuck at home due to the coronavirus). Levenshulme is a wonderful high school and a place where you won’t feel lonely. Everyone is there for you and will help you with whaever you need help on. I came to this school last year when I left Year 6 as a Year 7 student and I will never regret this decision. I made lots of new friends and the teachers are wonderful and very kind. Levenshulme is an amazing place and the school motto is perfect: ‘Dedicated to achieving dreams’. We are very happy to have students like you coming to Year 7 and hope you will have a great time at Levenshulme!


    Whenever you see someone that’s lonely go and talk to them, maybe you’ll make a new friend, or if you see a group of friends go over to them and talk to them, I’m sure you’ll be friends in no time!

    Just be relaxed and enjoy the time you have got in high school.

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