Leading Parent Partnership Award ( Published: 25/10/2019)
In order to achieve the award we had to provide evidence that we:
- Had met 10 different objectives to achieve the award. These objectives are:
- Demonstrate a commitment to working towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
- Make and implement effective plans to achieve and maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
- Create a welcoming and friendly place for parents.
- Promote an awareness of and participation in lifelong learning opportunities available in school and in the community to all groups of parents.
- Hold and actively promote enrichment opportunities or events for joint parent/child participation.
- Provide good induction for all new parents.
- Provide parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them support their children’s learning.
- Produce and implement parent friendly policies to establish effective home school links and improve pupil/student attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress and positive participation in school.
- Provide good support for transition for parents when their children leave the school.
We value very highly the relationship we have with parents and know the important difference it can make to the lives of our students. This award is a tremendous recognition of that and we are delighted to have received it. We will continue to develop our parental engagement work so that all students can be the best that they can be.
Mr N A Johnson (Academy Co-Headteacher)
We are delighted at having achieved this award and will continue to work hard to ensure that parent engagement work is as good as it can be. If you have any suggestions with regard to how we can develop our work in this area further, please do get in touch.