GCSE Results Day 2020

GCSE Results Day 2020

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Results 2020 ( Published: 20/08/2020)

Congratulations to the wonderful class of 2020 on their outstanding and well-earned GCSE results.

Following the proud tradition of young people before them here at Levenshulme High School, the class of 2020 showed determination, resilience and dedication to work towards achieving their dreams by obtaining strong GCSE results.

The class of 2020 experienced an unusual end to their time at high school. Despite this, they conducted themselves with dignity and maturity, working hard to prepare themselves for the next phase of their learning working at home. We know they are ready for the next part of their journey.

Their achievements are thanks to the combined efforts of the whole school community and thanks are given to our talented staff at school, supportive parents and carers and, above all, to the students themselves. Five years of hard work and commitment have paid off and students have received the success they deserve.

The results, skills and attributes the students have achieved and developed stand them in good stead for enjoying a range of opportunities in the future.

Well done to the class of 2020 – we are all very proud of you. Good luck and stay in touch!

Miss D. Johnson and Mr N. Johnson, Academy Co-Headteachers

Questions about your Results

We hope that you are happy with your grades and they allow you to move on to the next step in your education. You may have some questions about your results so please see below.

How were my Grades Decided?

School submitted centre assessed grades that were what your teacher thought you would have achieved had you sat the exam. They also submitted a rank order for you for each subject. Teachers used information such as coursework, PPEs, assessments, general records and performance throughout the course to decide upon your grade and rank.

Exam boards then checked the grades for consistency using statistical models. They worked to make sure grades were awarded fairly looking at multiple data sources.

Can I Appeal my Grade(s)?

A student can ask their centre to appeal to an awarding body if there is evidence that leads a candidate to believe:

  • The centre made a clerical error when submitting their data
  • he awarding body made an error calculating/assigning or communicating their grade
  • There has been lots of coverage about using mock results if students are not happy with their GCSE results, but the detail of this has not yet been released by the exam boards

A student cannot:

  • Appeal against their centre assessed grade or rank
  • Appeal against the school’s process in calculating their grade/rank
  • Appeal directly to any awarding body

If you wish to appeal please email GCSEresults@levenshulmehigh.co.uk for an appointment in the week beginning 24th August with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. It will be important to be specific about the subject you want to appeal, the reason why the grade should be appealed and the evidence that you have

If you are concerned about bias, discrimination or any other factor that suggests the centre did not behave with care or integrity when determining your centre assessed grade/rank order please raise these concerns with school.

Can I Take my Exams Another Time?

All GCSE exams (not BTEC) are being offered in a one off ‘Autumn Series’ in Nov 2020 for GCSE.

If you wish to enter yourself for any Autumn exams you must email Mrs Howard at ahoward@levenshulmehigh.co.uk confirming your name, your exam candidate number and the subject(s) you want to sit. These must be subjects you would have sat in Summer 2020.

  • Autumn Entry Deadline GCSE (excluding English Lang and Maths) – 17th Sept 1pm
  • Autumn Entry Deadline GCSE English Language and Maths – 1st Oct 1pm

View Results 2019

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
The Rainbow Flag Award logo One Education Reading Award Gold logo FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24 logo Eco-schools logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Eco-Schools Bronze Award 2020 logo Leading Parent Partnership Award logo Stonewall School Champions logo The Quality in Careers Standard logo Educate and Celebrate logo Manchester United Foundation logo Schoolastic logo The Schools Cooperative Society logo Values-based Education logo GCSEPod logo Music Mark School 2020-21