Parents and Carers

Welcome to the Parents and Carers section of our website, which aims to help you find everything you might need to support your child’s schooling, all in one central place.

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The way to pay for meals, school ties, planners and much more.

EduLink One

EduLink One is the most convenient way to receive up to date information about your child’s homework, timetable, progress reports, attendance, conduct and much more, direct to your phone or PC.

Online Safety at Levenshulme

We believe that the use of ICT is an essential part of education in the 21st century. The Internet and other digital information technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone.

Your Child and Reading

As parents/carers we often hear from schools, TV, campaigns etc. about how important reading is for our children, but this isn’t something that’s just for primary schools or for young children. Our teenagers need this focus on reading for pleasure just as much as they prepare for their adult year...

Anti Bullying

All staff and students are aware of behaviour, which is considered to be bullying. When incidents of bullying are reported they are always taken seriously.


We are very proud of the broad and balanced curriculum we offer to all of our students. Our curriculum is designed to provide appropriate challenge to all students and foster an enjoyment of learning.

Extra Curricular Activities 2025/26

Our staff put on a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities throughout the school year. Please take a look at our timetable(s) to see what students can get involved in this academic year.

Food Banks

A list of local organisations providing food and essentials for families to make use of in the local area.

Food Menus

Sample food menus and food/drink options to give you an idea of what's available from our school's canteen.

Frog Learn

Frog is our cutting edge Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), used to enhance and enrich the learning of our students and improve internal communications.

Hardship Support

Because some families are facing additional financial challenges due to the COVID-19 virus, Manchester City Council (MCC) want to provide support to families, who need it the most.

Health and Wellbeing

Through a wide range of support and opportunities, we are committed to supporting our students to become positive citizens of Manchester. We encourage students to live healthy, happy lives and to positively engage with the local community.

Hollie Guard – A FREE Personal Safety App

As the new school year starts and students are making their way to and from school (or if they are generally ‘out and about’ with friends) we would like to tell you about this great safety app called 'Hollie Guard'.

Leading Parent Partnership Award

In September 2019, we were awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award. The LPPA is a nationally recognised award that schools who work very closely with their families of pupils can achieve. We were assessed by an external advisor.

LGBT in Lessons

Our aim is to usualise LGBT+ in every part of the school community. We feel very strongly that a whole-school integrated approach works much better than using stand-alone teaching.

Our Pass – FREE Bus Travel for 16-18 Year Olds

Our Pass offers 16-18 year olds free bus travel on local bus services across Greater Manchester, making it easier to access education, work, training, culture and leisure opportunities in the city/region.

Parent Letters

An archive of our latest parent letters for you to download.


Our policies aim to provide parents/carers, staff, and students with clear information about the organisation and ethos of Levenshulme High School. These policies help us to work together to do the best for those in our care.

PSHRE Curriculum Information for Parents / Carers

We pride ourselves on the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum offer. We are in the fortunate position of already providing a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Relationships Education (PSHRE) to all of our young people.


We are committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expect all staff, committee members, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a constant vigilant and safe environment.

School Uniform

We want our students to be proud of their work and proud of the school. Looking smart prepares our girls for the world of employment, beyond Levenshulme High School.

The School Day

Details of the Levenshulme school day, including timings.

Young Carers

At Levenshulme High School, we facilitate respite and support for students with a caring role.

Your Child’s Attendance

High attendance is imperative to allow our students to achieve their full potential. Take a look at the tips on this page to help keep your daughter's attendance at a high level.

School Closures

If the school is closed for any emergency reason, we will send a text message and an email to all the parents/carers for whom we hold details in our student records. It is therefore very important that you keep us up to date with any changes to your mobile phone number or email address. Information will also be available on the school’s website and social media accounts and an answerphone message will be left on the main telephone number (0161 224 4625). In addition, for short notice closures due to severe weather, local radio stations will be informed.

Requesting Information

If you would like a paper copy of any information published on this website please contact the school.

Parent View

An online questionnaire for you to give your view about this school at any time of the year. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.

Quality Marks, Awards & Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
The Rainbow Flag Award logo One Education Reading Award Gold logo FFT National Attendance Award 2023/24 logo Eco-schools logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Eco-Schools Bronze Award 2020 logo Leading Parent Partnership Award logo Stonewall School Champions logo The Quality in Careers Standard logo Educate and Celebrate logo Manchester United Foundation logo Schoolastic logo The Schools Cooperative Society logo Values-based Education logo GCSEPod logo Music Mark School 2020-21